Some more great books:
King's series. What a great bunch of books, starting with "The
Beekeeper's Apprentice."
other good book suggestions:
by Anne Lamott. Find out why Anne Lamott is one of the hottest
writers out there right now! She tells you all about her writing
journey and what you can do to write better.
WRITING - by Stephen King - outstanding! I highly recommend
this book. One thing I learned - NEVER write Mr. King a letter
with the words "really cool" in it - these are definitely
NOT his favorite words. (Sorry, Mr. King! - I wouldn't have
ever done it if I had read that page in your book first...)
If you were ever curious about his accident - you know, the
one with the van... he writes about it in here too. He really
almost died. I am SO glad he is better now.
Are you reading his latest series about The Gunslinger? If you
aren't, you need to be. I think Stephen King is one of the greatest
writers ever. Guess what? You aren't supposed to send in your
writing exercise, even though it says to in the book. I wonder...
maybe he will still look at one or two in the future.... depends...
did you hear that he wants to retire? He may have already done
that... I don't blame him one bit. He has done SO much already,
he deserves a break.
ARTIST'S WAY - by Julia Cameron - how to break free of
your artist block and get going with your true, artistic life.
Read Chapter One and you are already on the way to becoming
a writer or artist. You will be more in touch with your feelings.
A good book. If you have gone your whole life thinking, "I
am going to do that thing someday..." maybe this book will
help you actually do that thing.
- by Louis Sachar - really good. An adventure - and you don't
know how it's going to end up. A real page-turner. They put
this on as a play in Junior High School at Auburn, Kentucky
last year.
HARRY POTTER BOOKS - all of them. Super-great books.
Absorbing. A treat. Did you see the latest movie? I'm so glad
that Ms. Rowlings decided to write these. Thank you!