feel free to contact me at the address below. I check my email
often. Perhaps you would like to write an article for the website
- or can suggest another page of information that would be helpful
to non-traditional students. I welcome your input.
Please put
"Non-Trad Page" on your subject line, so that I will
know what you are writing about. Just leave a message on my
cell phone if I am busy. Thank you for your interest in the
Non-traditional Students website.

Hi! It's great to meet you here at the Nontrads site.

The cartoon picture right above here is of me as a kid. Well, sort of!
am in heaven in this picture. I have my favorite books, and I'm camping
out somewhere in the U.S. in what looks to be a mosquito and
bee-free area. This tent is a little small, though. My legs
are sticking out the back - but wow, this is living!
more information, see my "About Me" Page