have found a few different national non-traditional student
groups on the internet. Some have a website, but are not active.
Be sure to check and make sure that the groups you find on the internet have posted something there lately.
very best national group I've found is called ANTSHE.
ANTSHE stands for The Association for Nontraditional Students
in Higher Education.
have an annual meeting, and you can sign up on their website.
is a group made up of Non-Traditional student groups from
across the country. They have an annual meeting, and help other
new groups by offering a guide to starting groups on their site.
I would
advise every non-traditional group to join ANTSHE to find more
information and help.
The Yahoo Nontrad group started out as a local group for Western Kentucky University, and now has members from across the country. I am the moderator there. You can join here:
I have more groups listed below. Please email me with more groups. You can also check out the blogs list at the Yahoo Nontrad blog. Just scroll down on the right side and you will see many blogs written by people from all over. There are also many other websites listed there you will like a lot that I have collected since I went back to school in 2006.
Here is the new page I have made for this group. It has a link on it to sign up for the new Nontrad News.
National Non-traditional Student Society
The Yahoo Nontrads Group
Non-Trad Pre-Med Group
and Spire Honor Societies